the blurb..

Curiosity killed the cat, that’s how the saying goes anyway. So its lucky, here at content, that we are not from the feline family because we are very curious.

We are curious about ads, consumer trends and all things marketing. This blog is our way of organising our many thoughts and ideas, before our brains explode. We will write about the things we love, the things we hate and the things we think could have been done better. At content noted we don’t pretend to be marketing experts. We offer a more important opinion, that of a consumer.

Your content has been seen and noted, why don’t you read through ours?

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Creative Ideas for Creative Brands: Its all in a name...

In creating a brand name the agency, The Reactor, took the children’s toy paper dolls and transformed it into a brand image for a fashion stylist. The brand name and image beautifully communicate the product attributes and evokes fond memories in the minds of the target audience. The image sticks. Nostalgia creates a powerful connection.
So sending happy thoughts to gen y content readers… these are a few of content’s favourite things. Bubble O’ Bill, The Faraway Tree, Tomorrow When the War Began, The Little Mermaid, Captain Planet, Chatterboxes, Gumby, Myticos, Clinkers, cardboard attached to bikes spokes, My Aunty Anna, Care bears and first kisses.

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